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How to Add Meta Tags in Blogger

How to Add Meta Tags in Blogger

How to add meta tags in blogger. 

If you are a Blogspot user who is just starting out, you might be worried about your ranking on search engines. Even as you deliver top-quality content, you might not be getting the expected results. Well, well well. Let us let you into a secret- using meta tags in individual blogger posts can boost your SEO by as much as 200%. So let us look into how you can add meta tags in blogger and boost your SEO. 

What are meta tags? 

Meta tags are used in HTML and XHTML files and provide structured metadata about a webpage or website. In simple words, they are the snippets of text that appear in the page’s source code. They essentially describe a web page’s content and tell the search engine what the webpage is about. 

They are placed in the header of any web page and are placed like this

<head> META TAG </head> 

Meta tags can be of two types: 

  • Search Description: 

This is a short description of the content on the webpage and this shows up on the search listings on search engines like Google, and Yahoo etc., It is one of the most important blogger meta tags for search description. 

  • Meta Keywords: 

These are added to help search engines know about the topic of the page. They are usually frequently entered by users while searching for stuff online and can greatly increase the visibility of your website. 

That brings us to our next question-

Why are meta tags important?

As they say, “First impression’s the last impression.” Similarly, meta tags are the first impression anyone would have of your web page on the Search Engine Results Page. Plus, they also determine if your webpage is displayed in the results when the relevant topic is searched on the search engine. Therefore it is important to know how to use meta tags for bloggers to increase the appeal of your website. 

A great way to understand the importance of meta tags is to imagine yourself, at a restaurant browsing through their menu of a particular cuisine. If the dishes contain a very little description of the ingredients and are unclear you won’t be too impressed. On the other hand, if they have very precise and vivid descriptions you would be inclined to try them out. Meta tags do the exact same thing when it comes to your web page. 

Now let us look at ways to add meta tags in blogger: 

There are two ways to add meta tags to individual blogger posts. We will explore both of them, step by step. 

Adding meta tags to Blogspot theme: 

This is the easiest way to add meta tags to any blogger post. All you need to do is edit the HTML code of your Blogspot theme and add meta tags for each blogger post before it. Follow the steps below: 

  1. Make changes in the blogger dashboard: 

First, go to your blogger dashboard and then click on the “Theme” section, after which you have to click on “Edit HTML”

How to Add Meta Tags in Blogger

  1. Locate the code- <b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>

For the next step, you have to press Ctrl+F and look for the code: <b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/> 

After this, you simply have to add the code given below, just after it. 

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "URL OF YOUR BLOG POST"'>
    <meta content='SEARCH DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
    <meta content='META KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>

How to Add Meta Tags in Blogger

To make this step effective, you have to be careful and make the following changes: 

  1. Replace “URL OF YOUR BLOG POST” with the link of your post/blog
  2. Replace “SEARCH DESCRIPTION” with a summary of your blog, ideally should be 50-300 characters 
  3. Replace “META KEYWORDS” with keywords based on their search engine rankings and separate them using commas in between. 

3. Final step: 

Make all the above changes and then save them by clicking on the “Save Theme” button. 

Bonus tip: If you want to know how to add meta tags in blogger for more than one blog post, just press enter and add another code below the one that we just went through above. 

Enabling search descriptions to individual blogger posts: 

By this method, you can enable search box descriptions for individual blogger posts. Let us take a detailed look at the steps: 

  1. Go to the settings option on the blogger dashboard: 

Once you have opened the blogger dashboard, go to the “settings” option on it. After that, click on “Search Preferences” and then just find the Description option on the page and click on the “Disabled” button adjacent to it. 

  1. Enable search description: 

After you click on the “edit” option, select yes out of the two options- “yes” or “no” to a=enable and add a search description for your webpage. 

  1. Add the search description: 

After you have clicked on yes, you need to add a search description ranging from 50-300 characters for your webpage and click on the “Save Changes” option to finalize the change. 

  1. Check to see if the search description has been enabled: 

Now let’s update any current blogger posts to check the search description. If the search description is enabled, you can see it when editing any of your blogger posts. It will be more clear from the screenshot given below: 

*insert screenshot*

This method is comparatively more difficult than the first one but still effective. 

Note: You can only add search descriptions using this method and not meta keywords. 

Therefore, by using either of the two methods explained above, you can know how to add meta tags to blogger posts and boost your SEO ranking. 


Adding meta tags can really change the way your website/blog performs and is visible on the SERP. You should definitely be mindful of the question, “are meta tags important?” before you publish any post and add them to boost your performance and visibility considerably. 

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