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How to Write SEO Friendly Content for Your site

How to write SEO friendly content for your site

Over the past 25 years, search engine optimization has advanced significantly. The days of putting out a tonne of thin, low-quality content and expecting your search engine to result in a huge rise are long gone. Today, SEO is both a science and an art. Writing valuable, high-quality content that attracts visitors and Google’s algorithms demands content writers and digital marketers, who are increasingly one and the same, to comprehend search engine ranking variables, give priority to searcher intent, and produce valuable, high-quality content.

In order to enhance ranks, this blog post will go through some essential SEO-friendly content authoring advice.

Recognizing Search Engine Ranking Elements

You must comprehend the fundamental signals that search engines consider when evaluating and ranking content in order to outrank your rivals. HTML tags, links, site architecture, and content are the four main ranking variables.

Utilize the Proper Keywords

Although the future of keyword research has been debated in the digital marketing field, keywords are still an essential component of SEO.

You should employ Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords (natural variations of your core keyword) across each piece of crawlable content you produce, as well as a distinct primary keyword goal.

Prepare a list of topics that you know will interest your buyer personas before you begin writing. Next, conduct keyword research to determine the best potential for ranking. The kind of content you’re producing will determine the kind of keyword you want to target.

Determine and record search intent

Once you’ve identified a strong primary keyword target, research searcher intent to confirm it and choose how you will write about it. Identify the searcher’s intent when they enter a query into a search box, and then address the subject in a way that specifically addresses their requirements.

Create Content That Is Google Featured Snippets-Friendly

The Google Featured Snippet is a relatively recent addition to search engine features. This SERP feature seeks to respond to a user’s query right away. Your content can be optimised to give you a better chance of getting this feature. This is how you do it:

  1. To determine whether a featured snippet is present for the keyword you’re targeting, use SEMrush or another SERP analysis tool. Only 12.3% of all inquiries contain one.
  2. Determine the organisation of the featured snippet. Is it a list, a paragraph, or a table?
  3. Answer the query that follows the subheading. Create a succinct response that is superior to the one that is now in the featured snippet. Make sure to adhere to the structure of the existing snippet.

Update Old Content

Search engines give new content priority. Freshness is the fourth most important element for content ranking, as was already mentioned. Updates to older blog entries that include better, more practical, and authoritative information can significantly increase traffic and ranking.

Prioritize building high-quality inbound and outbound links.

Links reveal a lot about the worth, reputation, and calibre of your content to both people and search engines. Make sure that the links to external sources in your blog entries and pillar pages are to reputable, high-quality websites. Target sites that are experts on the subject of your article while looking for backlinks.

Keep in mind that backlinks to your content are among the Google ranking variables with the highest weight, determining 20.94 percent of what ranks and what doesn’t. Just as low-quality and spammy links can hinder your potential to rank, high-quality links can boost ranks and visitors.

With On-Page Best Practices, Increase User Signals

Google has begun incorporating User Experience Signals into its search algorithms over the past few years. The way you utilise HTML tags in your content can indirectly affect the way these signals are processed.

Know the best practises for technical SEO and site structure

Although a content writer’s work may not necessarily include site structure optimization and technical SEO improvement, it’s still crucial to understand how these elements may affect how well your content ranks.

A search engine’s capacity to index and rank your content fast and accurately is directly impacted by the way your site is built, page load speed, security, and crawlability. For instance, during the past few years, search engines have begun giving higher priority to websites with topic cluster-driven site structures, which connect blog articles aimed at longer-tail keywords to in-depth resources or pillar pages aimed at shorter-tail, high-volume seed keywords.

No matter how well-written your article is, getting it to rank is nearly impossible if your website has bad site structure and technical SEO mistakes. If your well-written content isn’t bringing in enough organic traffic, consult a developer or technical SEO specialist to check the health of your site and fix any issues that could be hindering crawlability.


Now that you know how to write better content for SEO, whether you’re revising older content or producing new content from scratch, it’s time to get started on your to-do list. 

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